Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tun meeting the voters

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mengambil langkah luar dugaan apabila bersedia turun berkempen membantu calon BN Ismail Saffian, Ahad ini.

Mantan perdana menteri dijadual menemui pengundi di Taman Kaya atau Taman Kota Jaya dalam DUN Changkat Jering.

in a very presidented and wise move Tun came down too woo voters to cast their votes for BN. I cant help but say Vunderva. Is a time of the year where i could say, BN has really buck up and now potraying a stronger image.

The fight against Nizar wont be easy as he was afterall the 'fallen MB' of Perak. But, as it is, with great speakers and calls for a change in UMNO, i reckon, BN might or in fact guive an edge. a good cutting edge i must say.

Perak would be an epic case where the oppostion fell, but, these elections' results will at the very least potray peoples beliefs in BN or PR. But, either ways, this would not be the yardstick to see peoples support. But, as a whole, these elections would be an advantage for BN to show their revolutionised ideas and works.

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